
Sunday, 13 November 2011

Saturn Transit Predictions for GEMINi

November 15th 2011 to February 7th 2012:

During this period, Saturn will be moving into the sign of Libra, within the Nakshatra Constellation of Chitra which is ruled by the planet Mars.

Until this transit you were experiencing the ill effects of Saturn in Virgo, the 4th house. This placement causes problems. When Saturn enters Libra, the 5th house your circumstances should improve, even though the 5th house is not typically a favorable position for Saturn. However, because Saturn will aspect Capricorn, your 8th house and Aquarius, the 9th house and the ruler of the 9th house is aspecting Sagittarius, the 7th house, Aries, the 11th house and Cancer, the 2nd houses, you will receive more benefits than would normally occur. However, during this period of Saturn Transit, you may face some obstacles related to marriage of a son or daughter and you may need to take more care in relation to your children’s health. Any speculative business you are involved in will initially suffer but then will improve. The academic progress of students will be less than optimal during this period of Saturn Transit.