Star Plus’ Ruk Jaana Nahi helmed by Playtime Creations is also to follow the league. Last it was seen that Indu (Aniruddh Dave) and Sanchi (Pooja Sharma) filed for a divorce suit, as the latter wasn’t happy with their marriage.
However, after facing various ups and downs, the couple has come quite closer. Indu’s selfless support has made Sanchi realize her love for him. Buzz states that in the coming episodes, she will not only confess her love but will also insist on retaking the marital vows. Sources say that the couple will go to the Court for the final hearing of their divorce. Out in the public, Sanchi will leave all shocked by declaring her love for Indu. This will come as shocking news to Sanchi’s father Tarachand after which he will walk out of the Court.
Afterwards, Sanchi will manage to convince him and get him to a temple where she will ask Indu to marry her yet again as she feels that she did not understand the value of their relationship earlier.
Pooja Sharma said, “Yes, Indu and Sanchi will be getting married.”
Does this call for a happy married life for Sanchi and Indu?