Aamir Khan so far has undeniably succeeded in leaving an impression on the society about various social issues through his show Satyamev Jayate. And he once again thrilled the audiences as the sixth episode of the show dealt with the disabled section of the Indian society.
The host, who has succeeded in striking an emotional chord with the masses, spoke about how people generally treat their disabled countrymen.
Inspiring the disables, the episode discussed the rights to education for all, irrespective of physical ability. However, the Indian society is seldom open to accepting people with physical or mental disability in the mainstream section. The show played host to blind and lame men who narrated their inspiring stories and proved that they too could fall within the bracket of the fittest and survive with pride.
The audiences also stood witnesses to a noble initiate called Amar Jyoti, a school that welcomes all kinds of children and treats them as equals. The show also urged companies to hire men and women with disability so that they too could contribute to the Indian economy.
Captain Brar, a resident of Ahmedabad has set an example by setting up a company with over 270 disabled people employed. At the end, Aamir spoke about the need to have inclusive educational institutions with quality teaching staff and infrastructure in place that will allow disabled children too to be a part of regular schools and have a normal upbringing.
Keep up with your efforts Aamir