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Friday, 9 November 2012

yami gautam very sexy

Yami Gautam rescues her male fan

'Vicky Donor' actress came to the aid of an injured bystander in Kolkata after fans mobbed her at a dance event

While some Bollywood celebrities shy away from meeting their fans one to one, Yaami Gautam did just the opposite. At a recent event in Kolkata where she performed, the actress came to the rescue of a fan, who sustained injuries when fans went berserk seeing her.

Our source, who was present at the venue, says, `Some of her fans tried to reach her as they wanted to present her with flower bouquets. Some of them started throwing bouquets in her direction and one such large bouquet ended up striking a boy, who was standing quite close to her, on his face.`

The innocent bystander was apparently badly hurt as the rogue bouquet caused his nose to bleed.

The source adds, `Yaami left the stage to call a doctor. She made sure that the boy received the doctor's attention and he soon regained consciousness. She even spent some time chatting with him.` Now that's one lucky boy!