Meanwhile, Sameer kidnaps Indira and locks her in a warehouse. Next morning, Rishi comes to Indira’s house and is shocked to hear that she is not home since last night. Her family had thought that she was with Rishi and did not worry about her.
In the next episode, Indira is tied to a chair and is scared of a man approaching. She also gets shocked to see a wedding mandap inside the warehouse.
What is the latest conspiracy that Sameer is going to play?
The show begins with Rishi holding the hand of Indira,she asks him what is he doing here.Covering her mouth he drag her a little far and says her he still love her,for how long will she be angry with him to give him an another occasion to rectify his error.He leaves her hand and mouth, Indira says she really needs to give him an another occasion so that she can be the next person to be hit by his car.Rishi is shocked.indira asks Rishi if he can can make Vidith as he was before the accident. How much he hurt her.Rishi folds his hands and tells her to give him some time to rectify his error.But Indira tells her she has pity on his mom to give birth to two sons who are so different from each other.Rishi tells her he’ll prove himself one day.Indira calls for Munna and he tells her to hold him he’s coming to break his bones.Rishi pleads Vidith to tell the truth he tried his level best to get him cured,vidith began to walk,someone else makes him invalid again he’ll definitely find out,he tells her he’ll prove himself one day to stay far from sameer. While leaving the room a paper fells down from his pocket.Indira remains once again sad.
Indira sitting next to Vidith is very sad time is passing by and she decides to feed vidith his medicines on taking the water for Vidith she notices the crumble paper on the floor.she picks it and reads to know it was the same one she wrote the expenses and threw out the window of the bus and which Rishi always carries with him.(his good luck charm),she have some flashbacks.Her phone rings and she hears Mandira voice who’s calling her as she’s being kidnappedSameer have Mandira phone with him and he’s the one calling Indira.He says this is the way he’ll bring Indira to him.His goons are sitting and he threatens them saying nothing should go wrong otherwise…Indira asks sunaina where’s Munna and sunaina tells her he left since she scolded him(blooper when Rishi entered Vidith room and Indira called him he answered to indira)indira asks the whereabouts of Mandira to kutumbh also and she tells Indira she must have been out to see some friend.Indira takes her back and rushes to see Mandira,Kutumbh tells her to make sure to bring mandira back.sunaina scares kutumbh saying nowadays lots are to be heard about kidnapping cases.
Indira is in a taxi and a van stops it by coming in front and someone makes her inhale a handkerchief and takes her away.Mandira is back home everyone are happy and asks her she’s back she says she never called Indira.Kutumbh is shocked and thinks where’s is Indira now???(Don’t worry!!!)
Kutumbh,mandira and sunaina are waiting for Indira but in vain she’s not back so they decide to go to sleep.Kutumbh does her prayer before going .Mandira thinks Indiora must be with Rishi and tomorrow she’ll tell her all about Sameer.
Ishan is searching everywhere for Indira and she asks sunaina who asked if she keeps the record of everyone in the house as she’s still feeling tired.ishan asks who’ll going to take him to school Rishi says he’ll go.Everyone is surprised seeing him and they ask about Indira he tells them no indira is not with him.Sunaina says she thought as yesterday he came to pacify her she must be with him,Rishi tells them what types of person they are theyshould report it to the police.Munna again threatens him and throws him out.saying if he sleeps outside their house???They decide to file a report to the police station.
Indira regains conscious is she finds herself tied in the rope and she yells who brought her here.if there’s someone here.the door opens and someone appears the face is not shown,(But we know)She’s still trying to open the rope and asks what he wants why is he hiding his face???