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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

I want to marry a man whom I can dominate, says Deepika Singh

I want to marry a man whom I can dominate, says Deepika Singh!

4 hours ago
Every Indian mother nowadays dreams to have a Bahu like Sandhya of Star PlusDiya Aur Baati Hum, which is played by telly actress Deepika Singh. But do you know what Deepika dreams when it comes to her soul mate? Well check out here what Deepika has in her mind.

She says, “I don’t want a prince charming for he will have too many butterflies fluttering all over him. And this is something what I will not be comfortable with. He also need not be dapper in terms of looks and but have a great sense of humor”.

“Most importantly I want a man whom I can dominate. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be a doormat, but want a smart guy who always lets me have my way in any argument for I don’t like to lose for eventfully I will come around. He also should be a good and patient listener with whom I can talk at length for hours together,” she further added.

Speaking about her character Sandhya, Deepika says, “Unlike Sandhya who gives in to her in-laws pressure and lets go her dream for a while, I am fiercely an independent woman and will continue to work after marriage also. My to-be hubby also should has to have a separate identity of his own and a standing in the society which I can look up to. I want someone like my dad whom mom loves and respects.

The actress has, however, no problems either with an arranged or a love marriage, “Since my parents are not conservative, they will accept whomever I choose. But, yes I will not break their trust. Their approval would be very important to me,” observes Deepika.

We appreciate your thoughts Deepika.