4 hours ago
She says, “I don’t want a prince charming for he will have too many butterflies fluttering all over him. And this is something what I will not be comfortable with. He also need not be dapper in terms of looks and but have a great sense of humor”.
“Most importantly I want a man whom I can dominate. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be a doormat, but want a smart guy who always lets me have my way in any argument for I don’t like to lose for eventfully I will come around. He also should be a good and patient listener with whom I can talk at length for hours together,” she further added.
Speaking about her character Sandhya, Deepika says, “Unlike Sandhya who gives in to her in-laws pressure and lets go her dream for a while, I am fiercely an independent woman and will continue to work after marriage also. My to-be hubby also should has to have a separate identity of his own and a standing in the society which I can look up to. I want someone like my dad whom mom loves and respects.
The actress has, however, no problems either with an arranged or a love marriage, “Since my parents are not conservative, they will accept whomever I choose. But, yes I will not break their trust. Their approval would be very important to me,” observes Deepika.
We appreciate your thoughts Deepika.