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Saturday, 31 March 2012

bijju shows his love for vidhi in jamuna paar

Jamuna Paar: Bijju and Vidhi to confess their love

 Vidhi has finally realized her love for Bijju.  And their love story is set to take off to another level when the two will confess their love for each other. The two will be out on a dinner-date just when Vidhi’s family also arrives to dine-in. The couple, however, manages to sneak out of the place without getting caught.

Bijju and Vidhi then walk to an isolated place where Bijju proposes Vidhi and she accept his proposal. There’s more to the story. As Bijju leaves, Vidhi is shocked to know that her father has discovered what the couple was up to. He drags her home. What follows is for us to wait and watch. The sources remain tight-lipped to disclose any further details.

Also, some new faces are slated to enter the show shortly to essay Bijju’s family members. Hmm… looks like Bijju can’t wait long to get Vidhi at her residence and introduce her to his family!